Форум torpedom.ru

Комментарии к сообщению #4153

To : Mr. Ergakov , Vadim or Andrew : Would love to get the jersey mentioned
below . Please e-mail me if you can help , will be glad to send money in
advance . ............To Vadim + Mr. Egakov : Please accept my apologies
regarding lack of contact lately , during the last 3 months I've had a
terrible illnes in the family , which is thankfully is seeming to pass
. Due to the fact that , I've just purchased a new cellphone , I have an
extra one , about 2 years old , if it will do , will be glad to send it
for you . Waiting for your response , sincerely , Allex.

allex,, Четверг, 13 июля 2000 19:34

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